I always liked to look at the stars.
I couldn’t understand much of the
I couldn’t look a group of stars
and see a turtle
or a hunter
or some maiden pouring water.
However, I was fascinated by
what looks like the five stars
around the belt of Orion.
Orion is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere
in the winter
and something about being outside
in the cold
looking at the stars
that I have been compelled
to consider my significance
in the face of such isolation.
When I found out that the Great Pyramids
aligned along three of those stars
it became apparent that I wasn’t
the only one
who felt that for
all of the countless stars
those would have significance.
Over the winters
Of looking at those same stars
I began to give them
I would answer to them in a sense
because I would gauge
how far I had grown
Since I last saw them.
Then I read about how one of them,
could go supernova
and would be brighter
in the sky than Venus
for a few hours
and then
And then the winter would come
and there would be four stars
Where once
I answered to five.
I learned that Betelgeuse
is 640 light years
Perhaps it has exploded already
And the evidence of this demise
is hurtling towards us in space.
And I realized that these stars
Are the same thing
As my photographs
of my deceased
That I look into their eyes,
That are long gone.
And yet I still
answer to them.
Then I wondered
Since our closest start after the sun
is four point two light years
What if every single star
has already exploded
and the evidence
hasn’t reached us yet?
And the sky is truly dark
Except for these
Old photographs
of stars.
And how will this
my significance?
And who will
I answer to
in the
In the