Previous KXSF Acts:
Safe Streets | Stop The Hate | Getting Vaccinated | Food Aid
KXSF Safe Streets Campaign
On New Years Eve 2020, KXSF veteran volunteer and DJ Elizabeth Platt was one of two people killed in a tragic hit and run South of Market. Elizabeth and 27-year old Hanako Abe were in the crosswalk at 2nd and Mission when the incident occurred.
As heartbreaking as this is, unfortunately it is not uncommon in San Francisco. On average, three people are stuck by vehicles every day in our city while walking. In honor of Elizabeth and others like her, KXSF is teaming up with Walk San Francisco to promote safer streets in our community.
Walk San Francisco is a non-profit organization formed in 1998 by a group of people committed to making San Francisco the most pedestrian-friendly city in the United States. To achieve this, Walk San Francisco has a three-tiered plan:
Campaigns to fix the city’s most dangerous streets
Safe Routes for All focusing on safer streets for children, seniors, people with disabilities, and transit riders
Protecting Pedestrians in San Francisco by advocating bold city and state policies
Please join KXSF in supporting the work of Walk San Francisco. Find out how you can help promote safer streets in our city by going to
Rest in power, Elizabeth.
KXSF is horrified and saddened by acts of violence, bigotry and hate targeting our AAPI brothers and sisters. We condemn these despicable acts and stand with our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in actively combatting the prejudices that fuel it. Together, let’s raise our voices and work to encourage change through collective action.
- Affiliate organizations of APF based in the San Francisco Bay Area, with resources (Santa Clara, Alameda County, Contra Costa County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, and Bay Area & Beyond, and “Any”
- Pro bono legal resources with toolkits, and intake forms included
- Reporting AAPI hate crimes, available in multiple languages
- Another opportunity to report AAPI hate crimes, available in multiple languages
Other Sources:
Not In Our Town is a movement to stop hate, racism and bullying, and build safe, inclusive communities for all. is the primary program of The Working Group, an Oakland, California-based nonprofit media production company.
Check out this guide to how to respond to everyday bigotry, published by the: Southern Poverty Law Center
Learn more about local organizations combating Anti-Asian discrimination: Chinese for Affirmative Action
Find new ways to take action: Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
VAX4LIVE Campaign
Miss live music at your fave club or venue?
So do we! That’s why KXSF is partnering with Hardly Strictly Bluegrass and numerous other national music organizations and venues in the VAX4LIVE campaign. With every hand wash, mask and vaccination effort, we are all one step closer to singing, dancing, screaming and shouting together. Take action so we can safely return to live events again. Learn the facts about the vax at
Getting Vaccinated for COVID-19
Visual Aides
– Infographic on the disbursement of vaccines based off of tier systems within the state:
– Vaccine administration by county of residence (updates every minute, every hour) : profile/!/ vizhome/COVID- 19VaccineDashboardPublic/ Vaccine
– COVID0-19 Vaccinations in the United States: data-tracker/#vaccinations
– UC San Francisco is featuring members of its community in a series of public service announcements to help build confidence in the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines:
– COVID-19 Resources Created by State, Territorial, Local, and Tribal Health Departments Search:
– San Francisco County link, which has a “get notified” link so they can automate messages when your tier is called:
– Alameda County Resident Vaccine Notification Form:
– Contra Costa Vaccine Appointment Request For:
– Marin County COVID Vaccine Interest Form:
– County by County Vaccine Sign Up:
Related Articles
Note: All articles shared below have been peer reviewed and are part of concurrent studies that monitor the vaccine’s protective capabilities.
Also, for clarity on the below articles:
– BNT162b2 = Pfizer
– mRNA-1273 = Moderna
“Interim Estimates of Vaccine Effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Health Care Personnel, First Responders, and Other Essential and Frontline Workers — Eight U.S. Locations, December 2020-March 2021”
- Published March 29, 2021 via the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report through the CDC.
“Vaccine efficacy probable against COVID-19 variants”
- Published March 12, 2021 via the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) journal
- https://science.sciencemag.
“BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Mass Vaccination Setting”
- Published February 24, 2021 via The New England Journal of Medicine
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
“Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine”
- Published February 4th, 2021 via The New England Journal of Medicine
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
“Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine”
- Published December 31, 2020 via The New England Journal of Medicine
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Food Aid
At KXSF we believe that food is not only a need but a human right. Before COVID-19 hit, over one in four people in the Bay Area were hungry. Now folks are experiencing hunger at even more alarming rates. The good news is there are so many ways to help. Donating, volunteering, organizing.

Food Aid Resources
Mission Meals (SF)
SF Community Fridge (SF – affiliated with Mission Meals)
The SF Market (SF)
Mission Food Hub (SF)
Food Shift (SF)
Town Fridge (Oakland)
Black and Queer Groceries (Bay Area)
Project Open Hand (SF & Oakland)
People’s Breakfast Oakland (Oakland)
Punks With Lunch (Oakland)
SF/Marin Food Bank (SF/Marin)
Alameda County Food Bank (Alameda County)
Nourish California (California State-wide)
Shop Local
Did you know that more than 2,000 Bay Area small businesses have closed permanently since March? Now more than ever, small businesses need our support. So, as we move into the holiday season and about our lives, remember to shop local.

Shop Local Resources
San Francisco Locally Owned Merchants Alliance (SFLOMA)
Shop & Dine in the 49
Local Woman Owned Bay Area Businesses
Yelp’s Collection of LGBTQ Owned Businesses in the SF Bay Area
Castro Merchants Business Directory
7×7’s List of Queer Owned Restaurants
San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development List of Black-Owned Businesses
The Bay Area Black Market
Bay Area Organization of Black Owned Businesses (BAOBOB)